Thursday, December 13, 2007

Guest Book

The residents of Blueberry Bluff would love to hear what you have to say! Please leave a comment below!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for visiting Simmington Hills and welcome to your future in the SUN! We just celebrated our first Founder's Anniversary. Putting in loads of hard work into our town and our website made time go by swiftly. *smiles*

I'm always so excited to get a visit from a new Mayor and a new town! Fresh opportunities and new friendships always manifest.

Mayor Eberlee, you've got the makings of a successful community and I commend you on a job well done, so far. And, I must say, your sitizens are beautiful as well.

We are honored that you placed our button on your affiliates list. Please send us a button for your town, we would be thrilled to list Blueberry Bluff as an affiliate on our site.

If you ever need any assistance, please don't hesitate to contact me or any of our sitizens/Administration at

Judge Sabien Cunningham, Sr.
Simmington Hills

Anonymous said...

Greetings and welcome to the SUN network! We recieved your kind note just the other day and are very happy that you would like to include us in your affiliate list. Blueberry Bluff will be listed in our directory as soon as possible.

I must say you have a beautiful town, and some very interesting citizens! We here on Baleen Island look forward to what I hope is a long and lasting friendship.

If you ever need to contact us, it is best to email me directly at Any messages for specific citizens can go to this address as well. We are so glad to get to kow you!

Evangeline Haddock
Baleen Island

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the SUN and thank you for making the effort to branch out and meet other hoods. Apple Valley looks forward to working with you!

Anonymous said...

I love this!

mmmcheezy225 said...

Greetings from Desolado Village!
Your site is fantastic and your Channel 9 News stories are addicting (unlike most). Congrats and may you have everlasting prosperity!

Mayor Lucienda Ray