Thursday, December 13, 2007

Submit News

Mayra Stark
News Reporter

If you're there when news happens in your town, Channel 9 Eyewitness News wants to know about it! We feature news stories from all over Sim Nation, and we want to hear news from your town! Read the instructions below on how to send in your news stories to be featured on Channel 9 Eyewitness News.

What you need:
--a news reporter
--Your news reporter is the person in your town who interviews people, writes up the news stories, and who is shown on the air during the news.
--The Blueberry Bluff news anchor (Mayra Stark) will cue to you when it is time for your news story, so make sure the reporter is in some of the photos you submit. For an example check out our first airing of the news for Simday 1 (pictures 2, 4, and 5).
--An acceptable news reporter can be male or female, but must be of the age of adult or elder.

What qualifies as News?
--crimes such as murder, kidnapping, vandalism, etc.
--mysterious deaths, robberies, etc.
--paranormal activity
--local politics, elections, scandals, etc.
--any story that would be featured in your local newspaper

What to send in:
--between 3 and 5 pictures per story (can be fewer or less depending on the story, however the average story should have between 3 and 5 pictures)
--a detailed account of what happened per story
--a written account of dialogue if the story has an interview
--the name of your town and your reporter
--what simday the event took place on in your town

How to submit news:
--email pictures and required information to, Attn: Mayra Stark
--please also send in a headshot of your reporter, so we may feature them on our website, preferably 100x100 (we can edit the photo if you are unable to)
--any questions you may have about becoming a news correspondent for Channel 9 Eyewitness News can also be emailed to the above address, Attn: Mayra Stark